Holl in Montreal

I’ve been living in Montreal for three months now. I don’t know if it feels like it’s been much longer or much shorter but I’m starting to understand my surroundings a little bit. Almost two years ago exactly, I left Montreal after spending two months here. I learned so much about myself in that time…… Continue reading Holl in Montreal

New Year, Slightly Improved Me

Over the last year, one thing I’ve determined that I find great value in is sticking with things. I’ve always been a very passionate and enthusiastic person so when I discover something new that grabs my attention, I want to jump right in. Of course, and I think this is true for most people, time…… Continue reading New Year, Slightly Improved Me


It’s so hard to believe that I just turned 25! The marking of time passing is so strange because I think of my twenty-second birthday and it feels like it was ages ago, like I’ve lived a few different lives since then, and at the same time it seems weird to me that three whole…… Continue reading 24.

My Shadow Comforts & Setting Personal Boundaries

About a month ago, upon rounding out my third consecutive hour of MTV’s “Are you the one?” (a must-see), I realized suddenly that it was 4pm and sunny outside. My day was almost gone… Ugh. I decided to close my computer and get on Instagram. Scrolling and scrolling and scrolling. Time flew by, dead-eyed, lost…… Continue reading My Shadow Comforts & Setting Personal Boundaries